well well well blogspot,
it has been a while.
proportionally, everythings happened since last blog,
but that's still not very much.
i tried e for the first time two weeks ago, though it does feel like considerably more than that.
it was amazing.
now i know as someone that has seen for years what even soft drugs can do to fuck up your life i shouldn't really be doing drugs, and i should even less be advocating other people trying them,
but god damn it my brothers poor judgement should not effect my ability to have fun and recommend having fun to everyone around me,
it's fucking exciting and i will do it if i bloody well want to,
which i do, because it is great.
you should want to try it too.
don't get addicted to drugs though kids.
anyway, after that total awesomeness my aunt and uncle took me to Belgium,
we drove,
this is totally mind blowing to me.
Belgium is pretty sweet, it's all really old, and there are big ass churches and castels and that kind of thing, and just generally i quite like it.
there was a church in Antwerp in which you were allowed to take photo's so i took full advantage of that, as you will see below.
it has been a while.
proportionally, everythings happened since last blog,
but that's still not very much.
i tried e for the first time two weeks ago, though it does feel like considerably more than that.
it was amazing.
now i know as someone that has seen for years what even soft drugs can do to fuck up your life i shouldn't really be doing drugs, and i should even less be advocating other people trying them,
but god damn it my brothers poor judgement should not effect my ability to have fun and recommend having fun to everyone around me,
it's fucking exciting and i will do it if i bloody well want to,
which i do, because it is great.
you should want to try it too.
don't get addicted to drugs though kids.
anyway, after that total awesomeness my aunt and uncle took me to Belgium,
we drove,
this is totally mind blowing to me.
Belgium is pretty sweet, it's all really old, and there are big ass churches and castels and that kind of thing, and just generally i quite like it.
there was a church in Antwerp in which you were allowed to take photo's so i took full advantage of that, as you will see below.
and then i just chilled for the rest of the holiday,
it was pleasant.
this week however i was back at school, which was piss boring really,
it's school what do you expect?
i am in a new class though, which is not really anything other than i am in a new class.
i am quite possibly the most boring and indifferent person on the face of the planet, seriously.
and on friday i dyed my hair, finally, which is the real reason this blog is being writen,
because i promissed savannah that i would update my blog AS SOON AS I DYE MY HAIR,
which was two days ago, but you know, afterward i went to the lazerus, because i can totes go to bars now, and yesterday was the anniversary of my cousins death, which was thankfully much less depressing that i had though it would be, but it meant i was at dinner last night.
anyway, the point of that is, i dyed my hair.
(feel free to play whatever awesome psycadelic music you would like to accompany this video.)
(also if you do this, you should tell me what you choose.)
i was going for blue, which mostly worked, though as you can see, was not entirely successful at the top.
also this weekend i bought this book:
it is really fantastic.
it's a whole collection of photo's that use the symbol of the cross,
which if you know me you will know is pretty much the perfect book for me.
(i have a huge love for religious imagery, mostly the cross)
that's really all that's happened, also it was Carlien's birthday on thursday,
but she has been mysteriously missing from the interenet since Wednesday so i havn't wished her a happy birthday yet, which is truly appalling of me, but that's not so much of a happening as a not happening, on my part at least.
and i've been applying for jobs at a whole bunch of places too, but that hasn't come to anything as of yet, another non-happening.
what will be happening though is that i have to go to an open day at an art school in rotterdam in two weeks, (if i don't they might try to get me to leave school because i obviously completely wasting their time), so that should be interesting at the very least.
and yes, i do not see any sort of updates from people in New Zealand, so you should hurry up and do that before you complain that i don't update enough, yes i am looking at you frances, but also other people with blogs/access to blogs.
love Ana.
i wrote this two weeks ago, photo's took SO long to upload. sorry. this isn't even half of them
i'll write another blog this weekend, after art school open day.
it was pleasant.
this week however i was back at school, which was piss boring really,
it's school what do you expect?
i am in a new class though, which is not really anything other than i am in a new class.
i am quite possibly the most boring and indifferent person on the face of the planet, seriously.
and on friday i dyed my hair, finally, which is the real reason this blog is being writen,
because i promissed savannah that i would update my blog AS SOON AS I DYE MY HAIR,
which was two days ago, but you know, afterward i went to the lazerus, because i can totes go to bars now, and yesterday was the anniversary of my cousins death, which was thankfully much less depressing that i had though it would be, but it meant i was at dinner last night.
anyway, the point of that is, i dyed my hair.
(feel free to play whatever awesome psycadelic music you would like to accompany this video.)
(also if you do this, you should tell me what you choose.)
i was going for blue, which mostly worked, though as you can see, was not entirely successful at the top.
also this weekend i bought this book:
it is really fantastic.
it's a whole collection of photo's that use the symbol of the cross,
which if you know me you will know is pretty much the perfect book for me.
(i have a huge love for religious imagery, mostly the cross)
that's really all that's happened, also it was Carlien's birthday on thursday,
but she has been mysteriously missing from the interenet since Wednesday so i havn't wished her a happy birthday yet, which is truly appalling of me, but that's not so much of a happening as a not happening, on my part at least.
and i've been applying for jobs at a whole bunch of places too, but that hasn't come to anything as of yet, another non-happening.
what will be happening though is that i have to go to an open day at an art school in rotterdam in two weeks, (if i don't they might try to get me to leave school because i obviously completely wasting their time), so that should be interesting at the very least.
and yes, i do not see any sort of updates from people in New Zealand, so you should hurry up and do that before you complain that i don't update enough, yes i am looking at you frances, but also other people with blogs/access to blogs.
love Ana.
i wrote this two weeks ago, photo's took SO long to upload. sorry. this isn't even half of them
i'll write another blog this weekend, after art school open day.