Wednesday, November 4, 2009

make a deal with god

hello blog!

today was my last proper day of school.
it feels so, so bizzar to think i wont ever be having proper leason at my school EVER again. ever.
on the upside i'm getting a prize tomorrow, probably for effort but hey, it's a prize.
and i had a really good halloween, it was the first time i havn't trick or treated since i was like 5, but i enjoyed it anyway.
i was a fly.

plus i have already passed the year, and i will most likely get a merit or excellence or merit endorsement, which is good for applying for uni when i get back from holland.
it feels bizzar that i'm going to Holland so soon, less than two months, and i have so much i want to do before then.
i will only have 29 days between end of exams and leaving for holland, like exactly, and i have to make several jumpsuits go, see where the wild things are, make a surrealist movie about corn chips, pack, have a birthday party, an end of exams party, a farewell party, make some shirts, print off a whole bunch of photos for holland, print shirts, watch at least 20 movies, catch up on all the true blood i missed, and sleep.
but that's it, i think.
probabaly not.

i will be busy, to say the least,
and i wanted to have my heart leotard done for proze giving tomorrow, but it probably wont happen.

life is busy, but good.

and some lovely images:


love Ana
p.s it's the 40th aniversary of seasame st today.
the yellow tutu is entirely coincedental,
but don't i look big bird esque?

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