Wednesday, November 11, 2009

trying my best not to forget.

hey blogland.

did you know, that exam prep is really really fucking boring, and it makes me want to give up and do fuck all.
to be fair i can almost garantee that i will get a merit for the year if i get ONE merit credit in exams,
but you never know with art boards,
and i'm not doing year thirteen,
so these are the grades that will get me into uni.
i should be going for excellence.

i'm just shit bored of it.

today was fun though,
i went with ziggy and jose while ziggy got a tattoo,
it looked way less painful than i though it would,
and it apparently is way less painful than i thought it would be.
I've decided i'm going to to get this:
as my first tattoo,

and this:
as my seccond.


  1. they'll both look awesome - and very you! will the milk carton be in colour though?
    i did a bit of study for english.
    but i know i'll get really hyped about the subject,
    not have enough time,
    get low marks,
    and think it was a waste of effort.
    i'm sure you'll do fantastic!
    you're super clever Ana B,
    much love.

  2. did you know, i already have a merit for the year,
    these exams are completely superfolus because i know i'm not going to get excellence, unless by some miracle both my boards do, not likely, and even then i have to get 14 excellence credits.

    i've done 3 exams,
    that is all i want to do.

    and i'm sure you will do much better than i will.

    and why thank you for the compliment, and of course my milk bottle will be in full colour,
    because well, it's me.

  3. ahhhh.
    I already have merit.
    I'd have to get THIRTY TWO excellence credits to pass with excellence.
    I'm going to fail biology and music.
    I'm just hoping I pass everything else.
    And that whichever university I choose to go to looks past my mass failure of level two.

    Ah of course it will be,
    blue would go nicely with your skintone. :D

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.


    Because I love you, lucky you. ;)

    I know you probably already have this. But anyways.

  6. i only have to get 24, but still, 24 is a lot.
    i'm sure you will pass, and i don't think if you already have merit you get to call the year a MASSIVE FAILURE.

    also, thank you.

    also also, it's way cuter when he says that in the kerang interview.
