Monday, July 27, 2009

swim in your jeans

hello again

it hasn't quite been a month yet, but still,

anyway first of all i need some help with html coding, becuase i don't really want my blog to have a grey background a picture would be better, so if one is willing to do that for me, that would be amazing!
thank you.

and in much more exciting things i got a hair cut today for the first time in seven years,
my parents had to bribe me with a $150 pair of shoes,
which are incredable and have a soviet sickle on them, i will post a picture of them asap, but in the mean time here are some before and after shots:



i'm still not entirely sureon it, the pictures make it look like a brilliant improvement but i don't like it muchyet, too straight, because its been straightend, but i like the fringe and it'll be less straight tomorrow.

my earings are longer than my hair, jesus.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

on top of the world is where i'm from.


ok i know, its been months and i really fail at blogging,
but since i am officially going over seas in 5 moths ( let the count down begin)
i have decided that i need to get myself into the habit of blogging so that everybody(as in frances & ziggy beause they're the only people i know with blogspot) can keep up to date with what i'm doing over there without to much effort.
so while i'm in new zealand i aim to blog once a month, more if there anything actually interesting going on, and then when i'm in holland i will hopefully, school work permiting, post AT LEAST one blog a week.

also i'm going to post pictures of nice clothesand other crap i find on the internet or in stores, in a kind of fashion bloggy way, and if anybody knows where one might find these things for cheap PLEASE let me know, because i want them and i don't have the tallent, resources or time to make them all myself.

for today i will give you some jc de castel bajac, who is mad, french and the greatest designer ever to live: