Thursday, June 10, 2010

space monkey

ola blogspot,
i am doing this super quick from the viking hotel next to where i live,
the festival starts tomorrow,
just, there are no words to describe how excited i am, none.
love ana.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

forget your running


are shit

i have them right now, in what looks like the most dull office block on the face of the planet,
i can't show you cause we can't take pictures there,
but its beige, and small.
but on the plus side no more for two weeks, and on moday i have the day off,

i'm not going to the pixies on my monday off cause i was and am totes broke D=

but fortunately i have cat power to get me through it,

i swear in the last three days i've listened to it like 50 times.


i've ransacked a pair of my uncles old glasses that don't have any lenses anymore

and as you can also kinda of see i pierced my ear in the cartilage,
and i really need to re-dye my hair.

the which:

i bought directions laggon blue and bright dandlion,
oh yes, i am finally going to get my blue and yellow combination hair awesomeness,
obviously it needs a bleach first,so i'm thinking a week or so before viking camp,
by which i mean next week, did you know viking camp is two weeks away,
and the festival there is 9 DAYS!

i could not be more excited in any way at all.

so in the next couple days you people may be able to expect as post archiving the clothing i have aquired since my arrival,
which will be long and picture heavy,
and flannel shirt heavy,
i've accumulated around 27 new items of clothing.

apart from that i've been mostly bored and boring, there have been about a ballion photo's, and mark reads harry potter, which you should read:

and so i say salut!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Sommes nous les jouets du destin

Bonjour blogspot,

I have been doing swell thank you very much for asking.

so, exciting new feature of my blog, sub headings, i got a great email from frances with sub headings and now i want to have their babies, so yeah, appreciate this shit.

as you may or may not know, you probably do most people that read this know me, i spent this last week in Paris, and here come the sub headings:

left for paris at nine thirty, arrived at one.
travel is rediculous and fast in Europe, I AM NOT ADJUSTED.
we got a SWEET hotel room, like 2 minutes from the eifel tower, no shit,
so we saw that, then we went to Notre Dame, it was tall,but not the most amazing church i've ever seen.
then we went to centre pompidou, there was a great dude playing songs from grease out front, and a freud exhibition inside, good stuff.

we went to Euro-disney, IT WAS FUCKING SWEET.
like holy shit, if you are ever at a disney land anywhere at any point in time,
that shit is fucking amazing and great and awesome and super super fast.
also, there is a star wars ride, and the caterpillar in alice's curious labyrinth actually smokes.
everything there is pretty sweet to be honest with you, except that their shirts are tiny, and i don't fit them,
which is balls.

also on tuesday, i saw Evelyn Evelyn at the europie in paris,
it was so good, hillarious and just beyond great.
we got dizzy and swayed,
it was a raucous tuesday night in paris.

wednesday started with a trip to pere lachaise,
the biggest cemetary in paris and the most visited cemetary in the world.
it's because jim is there.
there were so many scraws of love and gratidute to jim EVERYWHERE in that place,
like seriously, trees, grave stones, the toilets.
where were they not really?

so after jim we went to sacre coeur, which is a massive church on a hill that you can see from everywhere in paris,
the steps in front of sacre coeur are also always covered in street performers,it's a lovely place,
and about two minutes from there is a dali museum, which was actually really disappointing,
most dali showings are thought because people just try to squeeze all the god damn money of his art that they can, it's horrible, disrespectful and really annoying for me.
the works themselves were beautiful, but so poorly displayed.

thursday was mother fucking hot.
that is the most important fact about thursday,
it doesn't stick in my mind as much that i saw quite possibly the most famous piece of art in the world, it was just REALLY FUCKING HOT.
this effected me greatly because i promissed my uncle tha ti would walk with him from le grande arche in la defense past the arc de triomphe to the louvre,
and i very nearly died of heat stroke, there was a point in the day when we guestimate it was more than 30 degrees celcious,
that is a lot of degrees people!
it was beautiful though,
so 50/50 i guess?
the louvre was for defs 100% win though,
the mona lisa as a painting didn't do anything for me, but seeing something that has influence cultural history so much and affected so many people does make it kind of amazing to see.
i found the religious paintings for more interesting.

we didn't do anything paticuarly parisian today, we did walking into the subway via the exit though, whihc everyone there does where possible,
seriously, how they can afford a metro when so many people rip them off it a mystery to me.
and we ate french fry and lamb kabab sandwiches,
rather tasty actually.
then when i got back to holland it was koninginen dag,
which is suposed to be like queens birthday but everyone just wears orange and gets outrageously drunk,
public holidays here are SO MUCH BETTER.
and i sort of made friends and we climbed onto the roof of a gym down the road, which i REALLY fucking sucked at and it was kinda embarassing really,
i have beyond no athletic ability.

i had too drink 2 liters of water the next day cause my head hurt a wee bit,
but overall a pretty good night.

this is all.
see, weren't those subheadings just orgasmic?
you know you loved it.

this probably wont be posted for days, i expect monday or tuesday,
but it's because of the photo's i swear and this blog would be nothing without the photo's so you just be glad people.

love you ect,

as much as i love subheadings i hate the way the made me write, so that's not a happening anymore

and i dyed my hair.

peace out!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

got a place inside it.

yoyoyo blogspot,
how is life in your respective parts of the world?

cause shit here is pretty good,
yesterday i got 9 hours taken out of my school week, and two hours chagned into art class,
and today i'm taking my compulsory free day to go to museums and art galleries and taking to train to belgium, which means, no sport!
good day today.
also i got a rasta benie from my cousin,
which he bought in belize, aparently the laziest country in the world,
it populated by the families of ex-slaves who spend all day getting stonned and all of the work in the entire country is done by the menonites.
it's like the next best thing to a rasta benie from jamaica.

and i got two photography books out from the library, cause i'm a total badass,
Erwin Olaf and Sanne Sannes, both of whom are fantastic
(first is erwin olaf, seccond is sanne sannes)
and i got some new clothing things,
of which there will eventually be photo's:
mickey mouse razorback dress, de warehuis
yellow versacie dress (that's actually way too short for me to wear it a as dress, but hey), de warehuis
lsd print shirt, episode
denim and suede jacket, de warehuis
blue leggins, from my aunt
psycadelic shiney jacket, home made
soup can dress/ skirt, home made
super comfy black t-shirt, de warehuis.

de warehuis is the absolute best place for good deals in leiden, episode is much more classy and everything there is great, but it does cost quite a bit more.
so i think i'll probably go to the warehuis again this weekend and have a squiz.

in other news, i hate stargazer hairdye,
it's shit, and it's like the only thing they sell in this whole city,
i have to go to another city to buy hair dye from now onward.

and i got a call back from one of the places i applied for a job, but i missed it cause i was in school and they haven't called back yet.
i hate waitng,
there are also three things coming for me in the mail, and i am sick to shit of waiting.
it's nobodies fault, i'm just impatient.

i'm also trying for a camp to motivate gypsies in hungary, but there is sligthly less enthusiasm, cause:
vikings > gypsies.
plus viking camp doesn't involve motivating people.

and yeah, my knee's scabbed and there ain't no ink there anymore, which bums, maybe i'll try again, maybe this is the end until i'm 18 and i can do it properly.
we shall see when my body stops hurting.

this is to the best of my memory all for now,
there may be a poker night this weekend, and there will be jazz.

and, you know just for lol, here is some cross posting of things that i have loved from my tumblr:

oh yeah, i'm thinking about getting an undercut, opinions?

to be listen to with this:

Sunday, March 7, 2010

it's in the water.

well well well blogspot,
it has been a while.
proportionally, everythings happened since last blog,
but that's still not very much.

i tried e for the first time two weeks ago, though it does feel like considerably more than that.
it was amazing.
now i know as someone that has seen for years what even soft drugs can do to fuck up your life i shouldn't really be doing drugs, and i should even less be advocating other people trying them,
but god damn it my brothers poor judgement should not effect my ability to have fun and recommend having fun to everyone around me,
it's fucking exciting and i will do it if i bloody well want to,
which i do, because it is great.
you should want to try it too.

don't get addicted to drugs though kids.

anyway, after that total awesomeness my aunt and uncle took me to Belgium,
we drove,
this is totally mind blowing to me.

Belgium is pretty sweet, it's all really old, and there are big ass churches and castels and that kind of thing, and just generally i quite like it.
there was a church in Antwerp in which you were allowed to take photo's so i took full advantage of that, as you will see below.

and then i just chilled for the rest of the holiday,
it was pleasant.

this week however i was back at school, which was piss boring really,
it's school what do you expect?
i am in a new class though, which is not really anything other than i am in a new class.

i am quite possibly the most boring and indifferent person on the face of the planet, seriously.

and on friday i dyed my hair, finally, which is the real reason this blog is being writen,
because i promissed savannah that i would update my blog AS SOON AS I DYE MY HAIR,
which was two days ago, but you know, afterward i went to the lazerus, because i can totes go to bars now, and yesterday was the anniversary of my cousins death, which was thankfully much less depressing that i had though it would be, but it meant i was at dinner last night.
anyway, the point of that is, i dyed my hair.

(feel free to play whatever awesome psycadelic music you would like to accompany this video.)
(also if you do this, you should tell me what you choose.)
i was going for blue, which mostly worked, though as you can see, was not entirely successful at the top.
also this weekend i bought this book:

it is really fantastic.
it's a whole collection of photo's that use the symbol of the cross,
which if you know me you will know is pretty much the perfect book for me.
(i have a huge love for religious imagery, mostly the cross)

that's really all that's happened, also it was Carlien's birthday on thursday,
but she has been mysteriously missing from the interenet since Wednesday so i havn't wished her a happy birthday yet, which is truly appalling of me, but that's not so much of a happening as a not happening, on my part at least.
and i've been applying for jobs at a whole bunch of places too, but that hasn't come to anything as of yet, another non-happening.

what will be happening though is that i have to go to an open day at an art school in rotterdam in two weeks, (if i don't they might try to get me to leave school because i obviously completely wasting their time), so that should be interesting at the very least.

and yes, i do not see any sort of updates from people in New Zealand, so you should hurry up and do that before you complain that i don't update enough, yes i am looking at you frances, but also other people with blogs/access to blogs.

love Ana.

i wrote this two weeks ago, photo's took SO long to upload. sorry. this isn't even half of them
i'll write another blog this weekend, after art school open day.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

everyone's a star in his eyes

hola peeps.

i am soz for the negative energy,
but you know, bored, tired, on the other side of the world.
shit happens.

anyway, i feel i need to update shit around here, as in on the internet,
so later this evening i will inundate my flikr account with a whole bunch o'shit that might go up on da and lookbook and here, and then you wonderful people can tell which one's you think are worth putting up places.
if you're in the mood that is.

anyway, there's that to look foward to, and i got moved up a level in my school, new class soon.

pretty sure that's it,
despite polishing my scales and bicycle daily i still don't have a freaky dutch boyfriend.
how sad.

anyway, i almost forgot it was valentines day today,
obviously i did not get any valentines.

and yes, that is all.

Love Ana.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

like a placebo

holla blog peoples,

it's the same old shit here, it's cold, i'm bored, i have no life and so on and so forth.
i just thought you might like to know i have no life,
and that shit is boring,
and that it's the same here.

god i wish i were more extroverted.

love Ana.

i know this also makes my blog a yawn.

i did not mean to be this depressing
or apathetic
or boring.
sorry again.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

now that you're back from the dead.

Hello blog,

i am sincerely sorry that i abandoned you for such a long time,
but i am lazy, and disorganized, and tired,
and we always knew it would happen eventually.

hello people in new zealand,
and people in other parts of the world that follow me.

holland is rough, it's cold, and people here don't really like me much.
i keep trying to do stuff and then not being bothered.
and i just want a fucking nap!

i gots me a tumblr,
and a floral jumpsuit,
and glittery nails,
and a cat,
and a trip to paris,
and a trip to new york.
sorry frances, but i don't have a freaky boyfriend yet.

my brain is to tired to write you anything proper,
so you can have some photo's,
and the knowledge that i exist,
and I love you,
and i miss you more each day.

i hope you're all happy, and that summer is satisfying,
and that some day soon i stop feeling so jaded.

i'm a bit up and down on this trip to be honest.
but once i have a life i'm sure it'll be great.

here is jumpsuit:

and here is tumblr:
which is mostly for my entertainment, but you're free to look.

and here is holland:

and i cut my fringe, but anyways, here are my anils.

love ana.

ps, i also got a skype, you should get one too, then add me: Ana de pont