Thursday, January 21, 2010

now that you're back from the dead.

Hello blog,

i am sincerely sorry that i abandoned you for such a long time,
but i am lazy, and disorganized, and tired,
and we always knew it would happen eventually.

hello people in new zealand,
and people in other parts of the world that follow me.

holland is rough, it's cold, and people here don't really like me much.
i keep trying to do stuff and then not being bothered.
and i just want a fucking nap!

i gots me a tumblr,
and a floral jumpsuit,
and glittery nails,
and a cat,
and a trip to paris,
and a trip to new york.
sorry frances, but i don't have a freaky boyfriend yet.

my brain is to tired to write you anything proper,
so you can have some photo's,
and the knowledge that i exist,
and I love you,
and i miss you more each day.

i hope you're all happy, and that summer is satisfying,
and that some day soon i stop feeling so jaded.

i'm a bit up and down on this trip to be honest.
but once i have a life i'm sure it'll be great.

here is jumpsuit:

and here is tumblr:
which is mostly for my entertainment, but you're free to look.

and here is holland:

and i cut my fringe, but anyways, here are my anils.

love ana.

ps, i also got a skype, you should get one too, then add me: Ana de pont

Friday, January 8, 2010

keep this scene inside your head.

dear blog,

i have now been in holland for 10 days,
there have been some firsts,
like walking over a lake last night,
and getting an x-ray today, because i then fell over and they thought i had broken my wrist,
there have also been some very familiar patterns,
like the fact that my curtains have been shut since i got here,
and everything in my room is overflowing with stuff.

it's been good though,
i kinda already feel at home, I've like half forgotten my parents still exist back in new zealand,
it's a little strange,
and there has been so much snow,
apparently there's going to be a lot more this weekend,
and all of Europe is running out of salt because of it, so some people have resorted to using bath salts, which apparently do work to melt snow...?
it's all completely foreign to me.

i've also already ruined a pair of my pants,
and my parents don't want to buy me new one's of the internet,
also typical.

school is ok,
not hugely interesting for the most part,
there was a somewhat interesting conversation about symbolism in pottery class yesterday with a whole bunch of Arabs,
but that's about all really,
don't really have any friends, but everyone's civil, it's all kinda meh there for me to be honest.
I suppose that probably has something to do with the fact that I'm kinda meh right now.
a meh attitude makes life meh.

ok, so i feel there is a need for some imagery, but i have not as of yet emptied my camera, so i went fishing through the copious ammounts of photo's i brought with me on my usb (by which i mean external hard drive) , here are some from around chrimbo time:

i miss you a little New Zealand,
you've never come this close to breaking my arm,
and you have people who actually want to spend time with me.

don't think i don't love it here though,
i'm going places this summer, it will be exciting.

love Ana.